The Viper Lair

As part of Festival of Wheels IV we are offering special classes for Vipers.
See below flyer for classes.


1st Generation 1992-1995 #106
2nd Generation 1996-2002 #107
3rd Generation 2003-2006 #108
4th Generation 2008-2010 #109
5th Generation 2013-Pres. #110
Classes will be added as needed.

Use class #111 for “Display Only” (not judged).
To enter online:
Outside is FREE – (Put class #111  check off “Viper Display Outdoor” entry box.)
Inside will be $65 (Put class #111 & check off inside entry).

You can register online up to August 19th by using our
Festival of Wheels Registration Form

Entry Fee:
$65 for an indoor space (Exhibition Hall)
Must arrive Friday night for set-up.
No vehicles allowed in or out of hall on Saturday.

$55 for an outdoor space. Arrive between
8 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Saturday.

One Event T-Shirt Free With Registration

Coronado Springs Logo

Make it a weekend getaway!
Special room rate $99 + tax per night at
Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort.

Includes 2 after 4 p.m. Walt Disney World®
theme park tickets valued at $140!

To book your room call the dedicated group reservation number
(407) 939-4686 and use code G0605618A

Mail in pre-registration ends on August 19th.
Friday night – vehicle set-up in Exhibition Hall 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Awards presented at 2 p.m. Sunday. (Hall opens at 10 a.m.)